Understanding Jummikplus Global Services
Everybody desires To become successful. But it is only a few people who does what it takes to become successful. Nobody wants to become a Failure in Life. But it is only a few people who does what it takes to avoid failing in Life. Jummikplus Global Services is organized to facilitate people to do whatever it takes to become successful as well as to facilitate people to do whatever it takes to avoid becoming a Failure in Life
What is Jummikplus Global Services
Jummikplus Global Services is a Resources Management & multi-service rendering Agency that leverage on the power of synergy to enable people accomplish any of their Desire and solve any of their Problems making people’s Desirables to become achievable and bringing Services to people’s Door step
Jummikplus Global Services is an organized team of problems solvers that synergizes together by harnessing the power of every tested, tried, trusted & top Psychological, Sociological, Philosophical & Scientifical techniques, tactics, tips & technologies to solve people’s problems and enabling them to accomplish their Goals or Achieve their desires. Making what is seemingly impossible to the people becomes possible for them.
The concept of Jummikplus Global Services
The concept of Jummikplus Global Services is primarily for the purpose of problem solving, desire achievement & building people of same interest as well as Uniting people of Like-mindset such as Professional Artisans of all fields & Business associates to create beneficial forum where they can achieve their aims, accomplish their Goals, sale more of their goods and services as well as enabling the uprising price of commodities and services fall for the public interest and grant her members/Clients access to funds to enable Market size expansion and/or Startup.
The Agency’s diligence dynamic and result oriented Mode of operation is based on it vast experience in Resources Management services delivery.
Jummikplus Global Services Organizational Model
Jummikplus Global Services is currently operating as a “Distributed Organization which is planning to transit into a semi-distributed Organization.
A distributed Organization is the type of organization in which the vast majority of the employees work from wherever they are comfortable and productive while not staying in a same physical location.
Jummikplus Global Services Employees are “Distributed Team”. A Distributed team’ is a team that all the members are physically located away from each other. They are colleagues working together but they do not stay in a same physical location. This could mean team members who are working from home, coffee shops, or co-working spaces, but that they are working where no other colleagues are based officially.
Incorporation of Jummikplus Global Services
Jummikplus Global Services is duly incorporated by Corporate Affairs Commission. It was first of all incorporated as a Business ahead of her Incorporation as limited Agency. It’s fully licensed to carry out Business Services in Nigeria which led to the creation of numerous Agent primary point of Assignment nationwide.
Which Service Does Jummikplus Global Services Renders
The main service that Jummikplus Global Services renders is Resources Management Service. Although they have other Services that they renders to people.
In other words, Jummikplus Global Services is a Resources Management and a multi-service rendering Agency.
The type of Resources management service that Jummikplus Global Services carries out is somewhat unique. Some people misunderstood her Resources Management services for Human Resources Management Service. However, the Resources Management services is quite different. The Resources Management services that Jummikplus Global Services carry out is “Natural Resources Management services”
That is the Agency manages any type of Resources an Individual, group of individuals or entity have & is willing to open it up for management to enable the Individual, group of individuals or entity achieve their aims or accomplish their Goals.
At Jummikplus Global Services, people’s Desires and Goals comes first before figuring out the What, Why, How, When, Where & Whom of the Desires and Goals.
Resources Managed by Jummikplus Global Services
The Resources that the Agency manages varies according to the entity and the Goal involved.
In Human, the Resources that the Agency manages includes but not limited to the following Resources: Idea, Knowledge, Strength, Connection, Skill, Money, Property, Wisdom and Engagements
In Organizations or Businesses, the Resources that the Agency manages includes but not limited to the following Resources: Labour Force, Structure, Marketing, Partnerships, Investments, Productions, Property, Processes and Engagements
Other Services of Jummikplus Global Services.
As a Multi-service rendering Agency, there are several other Services that Jummikplus Global Services renders. As at the time of this Publication, Jummikplus Global Services is already featuring over 30 Services. These Services includes but not limited to the following:
- Resources Management Service
- Mindset Development and Management Service
- Financial Development & Management Service
- Investment Development & Management Service
- Connection & Relationship Development & Management Service
- Career Development & Management Service
- Business Development & Management Service
- Organization Development & Management Service
- Association Development and Management Service
- Education Development Management Service
- Partnership Development & Management Service
- Purchase Management Service
- Property Management Service
- Entertainment Development and Management Service
- Sport Management Service
- Technology Management Service
- Entrepreneurship Development and Management Service
- Products Development and Management Service
- Debt Management Service
- Community Management Service
- Dispute Management Service
- Legal & Lawsuit Management Service
- Marketing Development and Management Service
- Family Management Service
- Health Management Service
- Addiction Management Service
- Coaching
- Counseling
- Consultancy
For more Information on the Services of the agency, Click Here.
Offices of Jummikplus Global Services
Jummikplus Global Services is a distributed Agency. The Agency does not have a Central Own Office. However, there are Offices for their Authorized Agents and Corporate Partners. Any Jummikplus Global Services Office you come across certainly belongs to A Jummikplus Corporate Partner or a Jummikplus Agent.
There are several Offices and Point of Contacts of Jummikplus Agents and Corporate Partners scattered around Nigeria. A visit to any Jummikplus Agent or a Jummikplus Corporate Partners Office or Point of Contact is a visit to Jummikplus Global Services Office. To locate the nearest one, Click Here
How Does Jummikplus Global Services Operates?
Just as mentioned above, the Agency operates distributed Model. They operates through their Authorized Agents, Corporate Partners and other Officials like Special Envoy, Client Relation Officer and Head of Departments.
An Individual who is interested in patronizing the Agency have to approach the Agency’s Authorized Agent first. The Agent will report to a Corporate Partner within it’s jurisdiction through a Special Envoy. The Corporate Partner reports to the Head of Department of the Service that the Client indicated interest in. The Head of Department approves or decline the Application through the Corporate Partners and the Service will be rendered through the Client Relation Officers and the Special Envoys
Jummikplus Global Services Corporate Partner
A Jummikplus Global Services also known as Jummikplus Corporate Partner is an Individual who is a Partner and also a Staff to the Agency. Jummikplus Corporate Partners are like Investors to the Agency who also works at the Agency. They occupy the Position of the C.E.O. at every location that the Corporate Partner have a Branch
A Jummikplus Corporate Partner is like a Moblie Network Provider merchant. They are the real Merchant of the Agency’s Merchandise
Jummikplus Global Services Agent
A Jummikplus Agent is an individual who has been authorized and empowered to act or attend to the Client of Jummikplus Global Services on behalf of the Agency for the main purpose of coordinating the affairs of the Agency
A Jummikplus Agent is like a Secretary or a Receptionist of an Organization. They serves as a distant or distributed Secretary or Receptionist to the Corporate Partner in their respective locations.
How To Access The Services of Jummikplus Global Services
An Individual who is interested in patronizing the Agency have to approach the Agency’s Authorized Agent first. Jummikplus Global Services Agents are the first point of Contact to the Agency.
The Agent will reports to a Corporate Partner within it’s jurisdiction through a Special Envoy. The Corporate Partner reports to the Head of Department of the Service that the Client indicated interest in. The Head of Department approves or decline the Application through the Corporate Partners and the Service will be rendered through the Client Relation Officers and the Special Envoys
Jobs At Jummikplus Global Services
Jummikplus Global Services is still hiring as at the time of this Publication. There are basically Five open positions for Application. Those Open Job Positions includes:
- Agent
- Special Envoy
- Client Relation Officer
- Corporate Partner
- Head of Department
If you are interested in working at Jummikplus Global Services, have it in mind that, Employees are Jummikplus Global Services are “Distributed Team”. All the Staff are physically located away from each other. They are colleagues working together but they do not stay in a same physical Office location.
For More Information on the Job or how to apply, Click Here
Bottom Line
Jummikplus Global Services is one of a kind solution to the problems of almost every Nigerians. The competition of Agency’s service versatility does not exist.
The Agency boasts of a good customer base thus giving credence to their history of Integrity, transparency and accountability in Bringing the need of the Society to her destination through it passionate services rendered to individual or group of individual that are interested, to make their desirables available at a point in time or solve their Problems. They uphold their values and therefore urge any well meaningful Nigerian including you to come onboard and become a part of their Success story.
Most of the problems of Nigerians will come to an ever lasting end should Jummikplus Global Services comes to the limelight which is what Every of her employees are working tirelessly to achieve
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