Affiliate Marketing: Thirteen (13) Models of Affiliate Marketing

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13 (Thirteen) Models of Affiliate Marketing Experts Won’t Tell You


Just as Affiliate Marketing is a Digital Model of Marketing, Affiliate Marketing itself have it own Model known as Model of Affiliate Marketing. There are about 12 of them and this Article is meant equiped to give you the understanding you need about the Model of Affiliate Marketing

If you are one of my Audience regarding Affiliate Marketing you will already understand what Affiliate Marketing means. However, of the reverse is the case, lets understand what Affiliate Marketing means before we proceed.

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate Marketing is a model of Digital Marketing that encourages Marketers or Publishers to make a sale or promote an Organization’s Products or services first before they get paid after the promotion of the Publisher yields an expected positive result

It is a performance-based marketing strategy where an affiliate earns a commission for promoting someone else’s products or Services

Models of Affiliate Marketing

Just as highlighted above, there are 12 Classes of Affiliate Marketing and they are as follows:

  • Pay per sale (PPS)
  • Pay per lead (PPL)
  • Pay per click (PPC)
  • Pay per impression (PPI)
  • Pay Per Installation (PPI)
  • Pay Per Phone Call (PPPC)
  • Pay Per Action (PPA)
  • Pay Per Engagement (PPE)
  • Pay Per Recruit (PPR)
  • Pay Per Hire (PPH)
  • Two-tier commission (TTC)
  • Revenue Sharing (RevShare) …
  • Recurring commission (RecCom)

Pay per sale (PPS)

Pay per sale (PPS) is the most practiced form of Affiliate Marketing Model. It is also known as Cost per sale (CPS). In a Pay per sale Affiliate Marketing Model, Affiliate Merchants compensates Affiliate Marketers based on the number of sales that their Goods or Services generates from the Marketing efforts of the Affiliate Marketer

In this Model, if an Affiliate Marketer markets or Advertises a Product or Service and did not generate any sale for the Merchant, the Merchant won’t have any reason to pay the Affiliate Marketer. It is the sales effort of the Affiliate Marketer that the Merchant pays for and not the Marketing effort

Examples of Companies that Practices this Model of Affiliate Marketing are: Jummikplus Global Services, Chamber For Nigerian Freedom, Jumia among others.

Pay per lead (PPL)

Pay per Lead (PPL) is also a widely practiced form of Affiliate Marketing Model. It is also known as Cost per Lead (CPL). In a Pay per Lead Affiliate Marketing Model, Affiliate Merchants compensates Affiliate Marketers based on the number of Leads that their Goods or Services Recieves from the Marketing efforts of the Affiliate Marketer

In this Affiliate Marketing Model, an Affiliate Marketer can make Money even without making a sale of the Product or Service of the Merchant so long as the potential Customer visits the Listings of the Product or Services of the Merchant such as the Landing Page. But if an Affiliate Marketer markets or Advertises a Product or Service and did not generate any visit for the Merchant, the Merchant won’t have any reason to pay the Affiliate Marketer. It is the customer attention grabbing effort of the Affiliate Marketer that the Merchant pays for and not the Marketing or the sales effort

Examples of Companies that Practices this Model of Affiliate Marketing are mostly Bloggers who are looking for Traffics to their Site and Advertising Companies that serves Ads on Blogs such as: Google Adsense, Adsterra among others

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Pay per click (PPC)

Pay per Click (PPC) is also a good Affiliate Marketing Model. It is also known as Cost per Click (CPC). In a Pay per sale Affiliate Marketing Model, Affiliate Merchants compensates Affiliate Marketers or Advertisers based on the number of Clicks that their Advertisements generates from the Advertising Platform. This Model is not easily practicable by individual Affiliate Marketers. It is mainly beneficial to Organizations that have such Platform

In this Model, if an Affiliate Marketing Platform markets or Advertises a Product or Service and did not generate any Advertisement click for the Merchant, the Merchant won’t have any reason to pay the Marketing Platform. It is the Advertisement Link Click effort of the Affiliate Marketer that the Merchant pays for and not the Marketing effort

Examples of Companies that Practices this Model of Affiliate Marketing are: google AdWords, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter among others.

Pay Per Impression (PPI)

Pay Per Impression (PPI) is also one of the most practiced form of Affiliate Marketing Model. It is also known as Cost per Impression (CPI). In a Pay per sale Affiliate Marketing Model, Merchants compensates Affiliate Marketers based on the displaying of Advertisement of their Goods or Services on the Marketers Platform

In this Model, if an Affiliate Marketer markets or Advertises a Product or Service and did not generate any lead or generate any sale for the Merchant, the Merchant will pay the Affiliate Marketer. It is the displaying effort of the Affiliate Marketer that the Merchant pays for and not the Lead or Sales effort

Almost every Companies that are interested in becoming popular or that wants to popularize their new Service or Goods practice this Model of Affiliate Marketing such as: Jummikplus Global Services, Chamber For Nigerian Freedom, Cocacola among others.

Pay Per Installation (PPi)

Pay Per Installation (PPi) is the most practiced form of Affiliate Marketing Model by Mobile Phone Application Owners. It is also known as Cost Per Installation (CPi). It In a Pay per Installations Affiliate Marketing Model, Affiliate Merchants compensates Affiliate Marketers based on the number of Application Installation that their Mobile Application generates from the Marketing efforts of the Affiliate Marketer

In this Model, if an Affiliate Marketer markets or Advertises a Mobile Application and did not generate any Installation for the Merchant or App owner the Merchant won’t have any reason to pay the Affiliate Marketer. It is the Installation effort of the Affiliate Marketer that the Merchant pays for and not the Marketing effort

Examples of Companies that Practices this Model of Affiliate Marketing are: Mobile Application Owners. You can find them in the Advertisement on Mobile Application whenever you are using any free Version of a Mobile Application with your Data on

Pay Per Phone Call (PPPC)

Pay Per Phone Call (PPPC) is the least practiced Affiliate Marketing Model. It is also known as Cost Per Phone Call (PPPC). In a Pay Per Phone Call Affiliate Marketing Model, Affiliate Merchants compensates Affiliate Marketers based on the number of Sales Phone Call that they generates from the Marketing efforts of the Affiliate Marketer

In this Model, if an Affiliate Marketer markets or Advertises a Product or Service and did not generate any sale for the Merchant, but potential Customers calls the Merchant for Business discussion, the Merchant will pay the Affiliate Marketer. It is the Phone Call generation effort of the Affiliate Marketer that the Merchant pays for and not the Marketing or sales effort

Examples of Companies that Practices this Model of Affiliate Marketing are: Jummikplus Global Services and Chamber For Nigerian Freedom

Pay Per Action (PPA)

Pay Per Action (PPA) is also one of the last practiced Affiliate Marketing Model. It is also known as Cost per Action (CPA). In a Pay Per Action Affiliate Marketing Model, Affiliate Merchants compensates Affiliate Marketers based on the Actions generated from the Marketing efforts of the Affiliate Marketer.

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In this Model, if an Affiliate Marketer markets or Advertises a Product or Service and did not generate any sale for the Merchant, the Merchant will still pay the Affiliate Marketer depending on the agreed actions in the agreement between the Merchant and the Marketer. It is the actions generation effort of the Affiliate Marketer that the Merchant pays for and not the Marketing or sales effort except if sales effort is part of the action Agreement

Examples of Companies that Practices this Model of Affiliate Marketing are: Jummikplus Global Services and Chamber For Nigerian Freedom.

Pay Per Engagement (PPE)

Pay per Engagement (PPE) is a Low key practiced Affiliate Marketing Model. It is also known as Cost per Engagement (CPE). In a Pay per Engagement Affiliate Marketing Model, Affiliate Merchants compensates Affiliate Marketers based on the number of Engagement that their Advertisements or Posts such as Articles, Photos, Videos Songs generates from the Marketing efforts of the Affiliate Marketer

In this Model, if an Affiliate Marketer markets or Advertises for a Merchant, the Merchant will only have reasons to pay the Affiliate Marketer only if people engages with the Advertisement or Posts. It is the Engagement effort of the Affiliate Marketer that the Merchant pays for and not the Marketing effort

This Model of Affiliate Marketing is usually practiced by upcoming Organizations, upcoming Social Media Influencers, upcoming Artists, upcoming Artisans, upcoming Politicians and other upcoming Professionals who wants to harness the Power of digital Marketing

Examples of Companies that Practices this Model of Affiliate Marketing are: Jummikplus Global Services, Chamber For Nigerian Freedom among others. Individuals inclusive.

Pay Per Recruit (PPR)

Pay Per Recruit (PPR) is also one of the most practiced Affiliate Marketing Model but it has been bastardized and some countries considers it as a Scam. It is also known as Cost per Recruit (CPR). In a Pay Per Recruit Affiliate Marketing Model, Affiliate Merchants compensates Affiliate Marketers based on the number of Marketers that their Company recruits from the Marketing efforts of the Affiliate Marketer

In this Model, if an Affiliate Marketer markets or Advertises a Product or Service and did not generate any sale of Goods or Services for the Merchant, the Merchant can still pay the Affiliate Marketer if the Affiliate Marketer is able to recruit other Marketers to market the Merchants Goods or Services. It is the recruitment effort of the Affiliate Marketer that the Merchant pays for and not the Marketing or sales effort

Examples of Companies that Practices this Model of Affiliate Marketing are: Multi-level marketing (MLM) Companies. Jummikplus Global Services and Chamber For Nigerian Freedom also uses this Marketing system but theirs are not in the pyramid structure that is widely considered to be scammy

Pay Per Hire (PPH)

Pay Per Hire (PPH) is also one of the most practiced Affiliate Marketing Model among HRM (Human Resources Management) Organizations. It is also known as Cost per Hire (CPH). In a Pay Per Hire Affiliate Marketing Model, Affiliate Merchants compensates Affiliate Marketers based on the number of quality Employees or Staff that their Company Hires from the Marketing efforts of the Affiliate Marketer

In this Model,Affiliate Marketer markets or Advertises vacant positions of Jobs and filter the most qualified ones for the Jobs that the Merchant Company is in need of the expert. If the hired Employee is capable of doing the Job that the Merchant Company wants, the Affiliate Marketer receives the Commission. It is the hiring effort of the Affiliate Marketer that the Merchant pays for and not the Marketing effort

Examples of Companies that Practices this Model of Affiliate Marketing are: HRM (Human Resources Management) Organizations Jummikplus Global Services also Practices this Model.

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Two-tier commission (TTC)

Two-tier commission (TTC) is also one of the most practiced Affiliate Marketing Model among MLM (Multi Level Marketing) Organizations. In a Two-tier commission Affiliate Marketing Model, Affiliate Merchants compensates Affiliate Marketers based on the sales they makes and also compensates Affiliate Marketers base on the sales made by the Affiliate Marketers recruited by first Affiliate Marketer

In this Model, Affiliate Marketer markets or Advertises the Affiliate Marketing Program to other people to join and become Affiliate Marketers too and also prompt them to work hard and make sales as they will be earning commissions from the sales of their referred Affiliate Marketers. It is both the sales of the Affiliate Marketer and his/her referred Affiliate Marketers sales that the Merchant pays for and not the Marketing or advertisement effort

Examples of Companies that Practices this Model of Affiliate Marketing are: Multi-level marketing (MLM) Companies. Jummikplus Global Services and Chamber For Nigerian Freedom also uses this Marketing system but theirs are not in the pyramid structure that is widely considered to be scammy

Revenue Sharing (RevShare)

Revenue sharing (RevShare) is a performance-based income model that involves sharing business profits or losses among participating partners. Revenue sharing is a profit-sharing system that ensures all parties involved are compensated for their contribution to the business.

In this Model, Affiliate Marketer markets or Advertises the products or Services of the Merchant for the purpose of making sales and get paid a Commission in respect to percentage fraction of the total sales generated to the Company for the Month.

Revenue sharing takes many different forms. It is a business model that allows companies to share its success with stakeholders. It is a somewhat flexible concept that involve calculations of sales ratio of the overall sales of the company for a given period of time.

Most Companies Practices this system and Jummikplus Global Services is one of them

Recurring Commission (RecCom)

Recurring Affiliate Marketing is the model of Affiliate Marketing Practice where an Individual who sales a Company’s Product or Service earns a Commission every Month either to a certain Month or nonstop for the Product or Services they sold to their Audience (Friend, Family and Followers). This is the most lucrative type of Affiliate Marketing Practice. The only two Organizations who practices this types of Affiliate Marketing Program in Nigeria to my awareness are Jummikplus Global Services and Chamber For Nigerian Freedom.

An example of a Recurring Affiliate Marketing is when an Individual joined Jummikplus Global Services or Chamber For Nigerian Freedom Affiliate Marketing Program and successfully sales Chamber For Nigerian Freedom Nation Building membership to his/her Audience (Friend, Family and Followers) through Jummikplus Global Services or through Chamber For Nigerian Freedom and earn a recurring One Hundred Naira per membership sale every Month even if they are no longer marketing the Nation Building membership again after the first Membership sale Commission of Five Hundred Naira

Bottom Line

Affiliate Marketing is here to stay. Since its rapid growth in the 2010s, Affiliate marketing have become one of the most popular strategies to drive sales and generate revenue Offline and Online

Affiliate Marketing is a multi-billion Dollar industry and it doesn’t seems to be slowing down. Advertisers, or merchants, who run affiliate programs or have joined affiliate networks are able to leverage affiliate content to raise their brand awareness, encourage customer engagement, and drive more purchases. And all of this comes without the usual cost of customer acquisition or down payment of Advertisement prior to sales making.

Have you ever taken part in Affiliate Marketing? Tell us your experiences in the Comment Box. You can also feel free to ask any question concerning this Post or Affiliate Marketing generally in the Comment box and I will willingly respond to you as soon as it can get

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2 thoughts on “Affiliate Marketing: Thirteen (13) Models of Affiliate Marketing

  1. Anih Amarachukwu Rosemary says:

    No I have not.
    This is my first time and I want to earn through Affiliate marketing

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