Affiliate Marketing: Two Classes of Affiliate Marketing You Should Know

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Classes of Affiliate Marketing Most Experts Won’t tell You But you Should know.


You probably have heard a lot or learnt a lot about Affiliate Marketing such as: How Affiliate Marketing Works or Types of Marketing or even Model of Marketing among others. I doubt if you’ve heard of or if you’ve been taught about Classes of Affiliate Marketing because truly, Classes of Affiliate Marketing isn’t among the knowledge most teachers of Affiliate Marketing teaches their Students because they considers it irrelevant. However, it isn’t irrelevant. It is as relevant as every other knowledge of Affiliate Marketing you should have.

Irrespective of our formal knowledge of Affiliate Marketing, it is always recommended that we address what Affiliate Marketing is before talky about anything concerning it. On this note, we will start with the definition of Affiliate Marketing. Should you are new to it.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate Marketing is a Digital Marketing strategy that deals with the advertising model in which a company compensates an Individual who is not considered as part of the company to generate traffic or leads to their products and services. The Individual Advertisers are referred to as affiliates or Affiliate Marketers, and the commission that the Company pays them for promoting or marketing them serves as incentives for them to find ways to promote the company or it goods and services.

Classes of Affiliate Marketing

There are basically Two (2) Classe of Affiliate Marketing just as hinted above. The two classes of Affiliate Marketing are:

  • Coupon Code Affiliate Marketing
  • Referral Link Affiliate Marketing
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Coupon Code Affiliate Marketing

Coupon Code Affiliate Marketing is a class of Affiliate Marketing that uses a promotional code which allows both the Affiliate Marketer and the Affiliate Marketer’s referred Customers to receive compensation for referring customers to patronize the Merchant’s Goods or Services and for the the Customer accepting to patronize the Affiliate Merchant through the Affiliate Marketer.

The Compensation that the Affiliate Marketer gets from the Affiliate Merchant is a way of the Affiliate Merchant saying thank you for bringing me a Customer and the Compensation that the Affiliate Customer gets from the Affiliate Merchant is a way of the Affiliate Merchant saying thank you for following my Affiliate Marketer to coming to patronize me. Sometimes the Compensation given to the Affiliate Customers comes in the form of discount

How Coupon Code Affiliate Marketing Works

When an Affiliate Marketer joins a Coupon Affiliate Marketing Program, a Coupon Code will be generated for the Affiliate Marketer using some predetermined options. This coupon code is also seen as referral ID. The coupon code serves as the Identify of the referrer also know as the Affiliate Marketer.

Whenever the Affiliate Marketer markets the product or Service, the Affiliate Marketer will prompt his/her customer to use his/her coupon code during the purchase of the Product or services.

If the customer follows the prompt and do so by specifying the coupon code in the space provided for it during the purchase of the product or Service, the Affiliate Merchant will denote that this Customer was referred by a certain Affiliate Marketer using the given code to identify the Affiliate Marketer that referred the Customer and the at the end of the day, the Affiliate Marketer will receive his/her due commission

But in the event that the Customer failed to specify the coupon code in the space provided for it during the purchase of the product or Service, the Affiliate Merchant will not be able to denote that the Customer was referred by a certain Affiliate Marketer because there was no code given during the purchase to be used in identifying the Affiliate Marketer that referred the Customer and the at the end of the day, the Affiliate Marketer will lose his/her due commission.

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Advantages of Coupon Code Affiliate Marketing

The three main Advantages of Coupon Code Affiliate Marketing are as follows:

  • 1. Both the Affiliate Marketer and the Affiliate Customer gets a Compensation and this will be a selling point for the Affiliate Marketer.
  • 2. Coupon Code Affiliate Marketing can be practiced Offline without using the Internet
  • 3. Coupon Code Affiliate Marketing does not require either the Affiliate Marketer or the Customer to be technically savvy. It can run locally

Disadvantages of Coupon Code Affiliate Marketing

The main disadvantage of the Coupon Code Affiliate Marketing is the fact that: Affiliate Customers can fail or forget to use the Coupon Code and in turn, the Affiliate Marketer will lose his/her Commission. This can make the Affiliate Marketer very mad and decide not to market the Merchandise of the Merchant anymore.

Referral Link Affiliate Marketing

A Referral Link Affiliate Marketing is a Class of Affiliate Marketing that uses a unique URL to track the performance of their different Affiliate Marketers. The unique URL is used by Affiliate Marketers to refer Customers to patronize product or Service of Merchant in a referral Affiliate marketing program of companies or Businesses.

This unique URL redirects Customers to a unique URL specifically meant for redirected customers of that specific Affiliate Marketer

How Referral Link Code Affiliate Marketing Works

An affiliate link is assigned to each advertiser as soon as they join a company’s affiliate program, helping track any traffic, subscription, or

When an Individual joins a referral Link Affiliate Marketing Program as a an Affiliate Marketer, An affiliate link is assigned to the Marketer as soon as they join the company’s Affiliate program. This Link helps Organizations to track any traffic, subscription or purchases generated by that Affiliate Marketer. The unique URL serves as the Marketer’s online store on the Merchant’s Affiliate Program

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Whenever the Affiliate Marketer markets the product or Service, the Affiliate Marketer will prompt his/her customer to click his/her Affiliate Link to get to the product or Service for purchase.

If the customer follows the prompt and do so by clicking on the Link, the Affiliate Merchant will denote that this Customer was referred by a certain Affiliate Marketer using the Affiliate Marketing software to track and identify the Affiliate Marketer that referred the Customer and the at the end of the day, the Affiliate Marketer will receive his/her due commission

Advantages of Referral Link Affiliate Marketing

The main Advantage of the Referral Link Affiliate Marketing Class is that it is automatical and it does not require the Affiliate Marketer’s referred Customers specifying the coupon code of the Affiliate Marketer

Disadvantages of Referral Link Affiliate Marketing

Referral Link Affiliate Marketing also has it own disadvantage and it’s mainly about the Technology and the Technicality. You can’t Practice this class of Affiliate Marketing completely offline as you can practice with the coupon code Affiliate Marketing Program

Bottom Line

Both classes of Affiliate Marketing are beneficial to all the parties. The type that an Affiliate Marketing Merchant chooses to adopt is the Merchant’s choice. The Affiliate Marketer have little to no choice. It’s either they are in or out because if a Merchant adopt a certain Class of Affiliate Marketing and an Individual wants to join their Program as an Affiliate, they have to put up with that class of Affiliate Marketing Program too.

I will love to hear from you. Which of the above mentioned classes of Affiliate Marketing have you ever participated in? Which of them is your choice? And what do you think about the Article?
I will be waiting for you in the Comment box

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