Career Path With Audu Mikail

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Learn To Get A Job Of Your Choice, Start A Career of Your Choice & Become or Starting & Grow An Organization & Grow Of Your Choice

My Name is Mikail Audu and I’m worried!

I’m worried about the current and future situation of Nigerians. I’m also worried about the growing level of Non-productivity of Nigeria and Nigerians.

The situation ahead of Nigeria and Nigerians seems worse. Nothing seems to be working, towards a better future of Nigeria and Nigerians Productivity. There is little to no Job, little to no pursuit and no sufficient Organization. I have decide to dedicate my time to helping people get the job of their choice, start and succeed in a Career of their choice or start and grow an an Organization

Few of you knows me personally and most of you knows me digitally. I’m into Resources Management. In other words, I’m a Resources Manager and it gladdens my Heart to have you join in on your Career Path with me.

As a Resources Manager, what I do is that I help people to achieve any legitimate thing they desires and solve any ethical Problem they fears in their Life, Business, Career, Relationship, Family and Organization.

I do this by enabling the Individual to manage his/her Resources by harnessing the power of every tried, tested, trusted and top Psychological, Philosophical, Physiological, Sociological and Scientifical Tips, tactics, Techniques and Technologies through Consultation, Counseling and Coaching. Hence, the strategy we are going to adopt on this Journey of your Career Path will be based on Consultation Counseling and coaching.

To know more about me, feel free to visit my personal Website anytime on

This Program is sponsored by Not Too Young To Perform Organization and Chamber For Nigerian Freedom Organization

Not Too Young To Perform is a good Leadership advocacy Organization that is advocating for young Nigerians to step up to the occasion and occupy the Leadership positions of Nigeria.

By the grace of God, the Founder and president of Not Too Young To Perform is a good Leadership advocacy Organization: Mr. James Ezeama who is also a veteran Journalist is in our midst

To know more about Not Too Young To Perform, visit their Website as addressed below:

If you are concerned about the Leadership challenge of the Country, becoming a part of Not Too Young To Perform Leadership advocacy Organization wich is currently free, will give you the opportunity to Right the Leadership Wrongs of Nigeria

Chamber For Nigerian Freedom is a Nation Building Organization with the aim of uniting Concerned Nigerians under one Umbrella irrespective of their Religious and Tribal differences for the purpose of solving every Nigeria’s Problem with or Without the Intervention of the Government by creating self-reliance and self-dependency for Nigerians

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By the grace of God, the Founder and president of Chamber For Nigerian Freedom Nation Building Organization who chooses to be Anonymous is also in our midst

For More Information about Chamber For Nigerian Freedom, below is the Website Address

If you are concerned about the entire problems of Nigeria, becoming a part of Not Chamber For Nigerian Freedom Nation Building Organization will give you the opportunity to fix yourself your Community, your Local Government Area your State and the nation

The Aim Of this Program

The aim of this Program is not merely to pass Informations to you. It is to create impacts. If it was meant for merely passing of Information to you, I would have just shared some Career E-books or videos with you for you to read or view. But I’m certain from my experience that most of us here hates reading Books or viewing creative videos unless we are mandated to read the Books or watch the Videos and unless the videos are Comedy Videos

Even if you get to read the Books or view the Videos, I’m certain that you wouldn’t digest them and even if you digest them, you would probably not act on them. If that happens, the aim of this Program will be defeated instead of being achieved.

This Program is designed to get every Participant gainfully employed either with an Organization or gainfully employed as an Independent expert in his/her chosen Career or to start and grow a reputable Organization of his/her choice Online or Offline on or before the end of the Program.

It is designed to impact, equip and expose you to direct Contacts and Links of Organizations, Materials, Contents and individuals as well as activities that you will need to enable you get a Job of your choice or start and excel in a Career of your choice or start and grow an Organization of your choice

In that case, I’m not just merely going to share Information with you, I’m going to facilitate You to manage your Resources through Consultation, Counseling and Coaching to enable you achieve your aim of being here

I understand that we have different people with different understanding level in our midst from minimum understanding faculty to medium Understanding Faculty and Maximum Understanding Faculty. Hence, We’re going to be committed to starting from the Bottom to the top using the most elementary Terminologies I can use devoid of Professional Jargons.

If at any point, you noticed any Terminology or Concept you are not acquianted to, please don’t hesitate to ask for clarity.

Getting a Job of your choice at this point in Nigeria requires some well planned and applied strategies if you do not belong to the cabal or have someone who belongs to the Cabal

Getting a Job of your choice or starting a Career of your choice or starting and growing an Organization of your choice to become successful through the strategy we are about to plan and apply in this program requires following the Step by Step procedures and personally getting involved in the supposed activities actively by practically standing on your feet and go to the places you are supposed to go and do the things that you are supposed to do with the people you are supposed to do it with in the way that you are supposed to do it Online, Offline or both.

For More Knowledge about this subject Matter, Read  Creative Imagination: The Beginning of your Journey To Your Desired Success

Don’t take my Word for it!

If you apply what we shall plan in this Program and you didn’t get the Job of your choice or start a successful Career of your choice or start and grow an Organization of your choice, on or before the end of the Program, feel free to take me to a Court of Law and claim damage. But if you fail to do or apply what we shall plan and apply the Strategies we shall develop here, the failure will be yours and I wouldn’t be liable for your Claims.

You might be wondering: why I’m this confident and without you asking, I’ll tell you why I’m this confident.

I’m this confident because 100% of the time that I used this strategy with people, it worked.

Now, let’s dive in!

Now that you are currently here, your purpose for being a part of this Program is to get There

The HERE is your current condition, situation and level. The There is the condition, situation and level that you want to get to

The Difference between the Here and the There is a T and the T stands for the following:

Time, Transaction, Transformation, Talk, Tame, Target, Tolerate, Trade, Team, Triumph, Thank


Be ready and willing to Give your Time to what we are going to be doing here and to take your time to and do what you are going to be asked to do from your end.


Be ready and willing to carry out Financial Transactions that will enable you to carry out some activities like Buying of Data, Paying for Advertisements, paying for Transportation at your end among other Financial Transaction Activities.

If you currently have no source of Income, we will show you ways to generate the Money Online or Offline to enable you carryout those Transactions


Be ready and willing to get your Mindset Transformed. Be ready to Unlearn and Relearn to Transform your Mindset from a negative Mindset to positive ones


Be ready and willing to Talk to us Here so that we can understand how to guide you and be ready and willing to talk to other people as you are going to be guided to


Be ready and willing to the Fear in you. It has been your greatest Enemy and as a matter of fact, it has never existed in reality. It is only in your Head

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Be ready and willing to focus on a particular target be grounded to go for it against all odds like your life depends on it


Be ready and willing to tolerate some experiences such as statements or actions that can make you feel less of yourself from the people around you and the people you might get to meet on our Journey to achieving your purpose of being Here


Be ready and willing to trade your time, Skill, Knowledge, Idea, Wisdom, Connection, Money among your other Resources to be traded with to enable you achieve your aim of being Here


Be ready and willing to Team up with other people who have like mindset and like-goals with You since Teamwork makes the Dream Works.


Be ready and willing to handle Success positively. A whole lot of people handles Success negatively with their sense of Arrogance and other Vices


Be ready and willing to be Thankful. It breeds more favor and fortune from nature.

And if you thank me enough by taking part in this program till the end, I may return the appreciation by Connecting you to

Fasten your belt as we are about to dive in deeper. For you to achieve your purpose of being Here, which is either “Getting A Job of Your Choice or Starting & Excelling In A Career of your Choice or Starting & Growing an Organization of Your Choice”

In Resources Management, There are 10 stages to achieving any Goal, Accomplishing a Desire or Solving a Problem. Those stages are:

  1. Creative Imagination
  2. Positive Believe
  3. Active Decision Making
  4. Conscious Consultation
  5. Resources Harmonization
  6. Goal Setting
  7. Acting on the Goal
  8. Experience Gathering
  9. Experience Reflection
  10. Reaction on the Goals

For More Information on those 10 stages, Click on the Link below:

This program will drive you through those 10 stages actively to enable us achieve all of our aim of getting Here. This stages are also known as Outlines and how long they takes either of you here depends on your individual ability, capacity and capability

As we go through the above mentioned stages, I will tell you what you should do through out the process and the reasons why you should do those things.

The Information I just shared with you has been recorded on a Webpage. If you want to revert to it at anytime, go to the Web page address below:

That Website/Blog was created for the purpose of this program.

At this point, we have gotten to the end of today program.

Thank you for your attention.

You may come up with your question if you have any.

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